Addressing civilian harm in UK overseas military operations: The role of international law in shaping accountability and reparations

In this essay, the role of international law in shaping such accountability and reparations for civilian harm as a result of UK overseas military operations will be assessed, considering particularly the UK military’s investigations and absence of a formalised civilian harm compensation scheme for victims, as well as the positions of relevant actors, including the UK government and MoD, civil society organisations, human rights bodies, and domestic and regional courts – in cases such as Al-Skeini and Al-Saadoon.

ICSR and XCEPT - December 2024

In this panel event to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Yezidi genocide, Dr Inna Rudolf, Mirza Dinnayi, Alannah Travers, and Sarah Sanbar reflect on the challenges still facing the Yezidi community today. They explore the failures of the national and international communities to deliver justice, the barriers stopping many Yezidis from returning home, and the legacy of discrimination that precedes the atrocities committed by Islamic State in 2014.

Islamic Legal Theory

An essential part of usul-al-fiqh (Islamic legal theory) - the classifications of Qur'anic verses! These classifications have shaped how scholars understand which verses are clear and decisive, which ones might be allegorical with different layers of understanding, and which were revealed over time to provide practical guidance. Understanding the classifications of Qur'anic verses is essential because they directly impact the application of Islamic law, moral guidelines, and community practices.

انتقال الأمم المتحدة من المساعدات الطارئة إلى تمويل التنمية في العراق. سياسة تقديم المساعدة في بلد يعاني من نزاع ما بعد الصراع المطول

مركُز البيان للدراسات والتخطيط مركز مستقلٌّ، غيرُ ربح ٍّي، مقُّره الرئيس في بغداد، مهمته الرئيسة -فضلاً عن قضايا أخرى- تقديم وجهة نظر ذات مصداقية حول قضايا السياسات العامة والخارجية التي تخّصالعراقبنحوخاٍص،ومنطقةالشرقالأوسطبنحوعام.ويسعىالمركزإلىإجراءتحليٍلمستقٍّل، وإيجاد حلول عمليَّة جليَّة لقضايا معقدة تهُّم الحقلْي السياسي والأكاديمي.

Iraq: People held in Al-Jed’ah Centre subjected to torture and enforced disappearance after arrests – new investigation

Important Amnesty investigation into how Iraqis are being subjected to torture and other ill-treatment as well as enforced disappearance after being arrested in the Jeddah Rehabilitation Centre in northern Iraq (run by the MoMD with the support of several other Iraqi ministries, the UN – including IOM, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNFPA, WHO and WFP – and others), also touching on the false accusations and wrongful arrests that Iraqis already know are all too common, and tearing families apart still.

As UNITAD’s Mandate Ends, ISIL Survivors Still Lack Justice

As the mandate of UNITAD—the United Nations Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Daesh/ISIL—draws to a close on September 17, two competing narratives are almost certain to emerge. In an effort to explain the lack of prosecutions resulting from UNITAD’s work—just nine prosecutions for crimes against humanity and genocide have resulted from this data collection, mostly in Germany but also earlier this year in Portugal—proponents of UNITAD will likely cast the Iraq state as the primary obstacle in achieving justice, blaming Iraqi authorities for failing to meet international standards and the Government of Iraq for requesting the end of UNITAD’s mandate from the UN Security Council (UNSC) last year. In Baghdad, officials will continue to criticize UNITAD for withholding critical evidence and failing to collaborate effectively with Iraqi authorities, as was explicitly outlined in the original UNITAD mandate. The reality will lie somewhere between the country’s remaining displacement camps, informal settlements, and shattered lives.

انتهاء تفويض "يونيتاد": الناجون من تنظيم "داعش" ما زالوا يفتقرون إلى العدالة

مع انتهاء تفويض بعثة "يونيتاد"، أي "فريق التحقيق التابع للأمم المتحدة لتعزيز المساءلة عن الجرائم المرتكبة من جانب تنظيم "داعش"، يجب على جميع الأطراف المعنية تقييم القيود التي واجهتها المنظمة فيما يتعلق بما تمكنت من تحقيقه لضحايا جرائم "داعش، بعد سبع سنوات.

Navigating conflicting memories: Reconciliation initiatives to engage the Yezidi population in Iraq

"As well as structural reasons preventing the return of many Yezidi children from Syria, such as lack of identity papers or official registration, it is important to acknowledge that many Yezidis still do not embrace the return of these children born out of rape, and often argue that all accused IS fighters should be executed, even if the evidence of their crimes is questionable or the result of torture in the context of Iraq's highly problematic judicial system. Expert interview with Alannah Travers, 20 March 2024."
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